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'''Understanding the peer review process gives you an invaluable insight into a key aspect of the research life cycle. This is an unmissable chance to explore tips and best practices with PLOS, publishers of the world's largest multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal.'''

The Office of Scholarly Communication invites you to join PLOS for an essential introduction to peer review. This session will allow you to develop an understanding of what peer review is and how it can impact the experience of researchers. Learn how you can use your existing skills to provide support and advice.

The session will also be useful for library staff who are interested in undertaking peer review themselves but are unsure of exactly what is involved.

You'll learn...
*how to support researchers who are conducting peer review
*the 3 questions researchers should always ask when they're asked to do a review
*how to get ready to review and be recognized for the work
*how to read a manuscript with peer review in mind
*how to write ideal feedback.

Stay on after the workshop to chat to PLOS staff and editors and enjoy light refreshments.

Event date: 
Monday, 10 September, 2018 - 14:00 to 16:30
Event location: 
8 Mill Lane, Lecture Room 7
UTBS id: